Set within the heart of the school, The Wessex Building is a new three storey contemporary building adjacent to “Nethersole”, the School’s beautiful Grade II listed building. It is a mixture of new build and conversion that incorporates myriad uses: there is a garden level library, a dining hall above with links to overhauled kitchens, and on the top level, an elevated performance and events space that provides spectacular views over the school site and Bath beyond. The exterior of the building is terraced so that each level is linked with its own outdoor terrace, which in turn connects to routes around the school grounds.
Aside from the layout of each floor plan, the building’s success is due also to the linking of internal spaces by a distinctive spiral stair that creates a sense of arrival on each floor, the designing of the outer roof form to architecturally follow the curved ceiling of the auditorium and by the care taken over the detailed design. In particular, the unseen acoustic separation of contrasting spaces and the visible detailing of junctions between building parts are impressive.
BBA have completed numerous phases of the school’s masterplan using JCT contracts over several years, culminating in this focal building.