Work has commenced at the Grade II listed Sydney Gardens, one of Britain’s last remaining Georgian Pleasure Gardens and the earliest surviving park in Bath. Main Building Contractor Edgars and Conservation Specialists Sally Strachey and IronArt have been awarded the contract by Bath & North East Somerset Council. Director Sally Hewins, attended the pre-contract site meeting alongside the B&NES Project Manager.
We look forward to working alongside the contractors and to continue to collaborate with the Design Team, to deliver this important and fantastic scheme and be part of Sydney Garden’s history.
Landscape Designers: Greenhalgh Landscape Architecture.
Cost Consultants: Randall Simmonds.
Structural & Civil Engineers: Mann Williams.
Mechanical & Electrical Engineers: Smith Consult.
Archaeology: RPS Group.
Ecologists: Johns Associates.
For more information on the project please visit: B&NES website.